Soma Addiction: Risk Factors, Signs, And Treatment

Soma Addiction: Risk Factors, Signs, And Treatment

Yes, as reviewed in Current Drug Abuse Reviews and summarised by the National Library of Medicine, long-term or improper use of carisoprodol (Soma) can cause physiological dependence and addiction, similar to other benzodiazepine medications.

There are various treatment options available that can help get rid of soma drug addiction. 

When dealing with injuries to muscles, people can require a prescription drug to help deal with the pain. One of the most common medications available is Soma.

With many people being widely aware of this drug, some people also wonder how it is addictive.

In this detailed blog, we have discussed everything that one must know about soma addiction. 

Soma And Soma Addiction - An Overview 

What Is Soma?

Soma, the brand name for the prescription drug carisoprodol, is a muscle relaxant that is used to treat pain associated with muscle injuries like strains and sprains. This medication is used for short-term use, as long-term use can lead to dependence and addiction [1]. 

Soma Addiction 

Soma medication has a significant potential for abuse and dependence. Soma belongs to the class of benzodiazepines that have abuse potential.

Contrary to what might be believed, Soma is not classified as a benzodiazepine; it is a muscle relaxant. However, its effects on the central nervous system are similar to those of benzodiazepines, which are well known for their abuse potential. 

Soma acts on the GABA receptors in the brain, which are also the primary targets of benzodiazepines, thereby having a potential for abuse and addiction.

It is also important to note that mixing Soma and alcohol is commonly seen in people who abuse this medication, mostly for recreational purposes. 

Soma Physical Dependence 

With regular use, individuals can develop a physical dependence on the muscle relaxant. This is characterized by a need to continue taking the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, and headaches.

The Risk Factors Associated With Soma Addiction


Various factors increase the risk of developing an addiction to Soma. We have tried to cover the most common risk factors that may lead to Soma drug addiction in individuals [2].  

History of Substance Abuse or Addiction

Individuals with a personal or family history of substance abuse or addiction are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to Soma. 

People With Underlying Mental Health Conditions

Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and personality disorders can lead to an increased dependence on Soma, as individuals may self-medicate to get rid of their symptoms.

Using The Drug To Get High

Soma abuse often begins when individuals use it to experience a high rather than for its intended purpose as a muscle relaxer, leading to misuse and addiction.

Signs of Soma Addiction

Some of the crucial symptoms of Soma muscle relaxer addiction are as follows [3] - 

Using The Drug More Than Prescribed 

One of the first symptoms of soma addiction is that individuals take more medicine than the prescribed dose over a longer period of time than intended. 

Unsuccessful Attempts To Reduce Its Use 

Efforts to reduce the use of Soma frequently fail in people who are addicted to soma pills.  People may express a persistent desire to stop or control their use but find it difficult to follow through.

Continued Use Of Soma Despite The Negative Impacts

Despite being aware of ongoing or recurring physical or psychological issues that the drug may have exacerbated or caused, the use of Soma continues.

Understanding these signs and symptoms can lead to timely support and treatment for those struggling with Soma addiction.

Treatment For Soma Addiction


There are various treatment options available for soma addiction. Some of these treatment options include medical supervision, peer support, therapeutic strategies, and lifestyle adjustments. 

Detox and Withdrawal Management

The initial phase of soma addiction involves a medically supervised detox process. During this process, our aim is to safely eliminate the drug from the body while managing withdrawal symptoms.

  • Symptom Monitoring: Regular assessment of withdrawal symptoms to adjust care.

  • Medication Assistance: Use of approved drugs to alleviate discomfort and prevent complications.

Behavioural Therapies 

Behavioural therapies are also popular treatment options for Soma addiction. 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): 

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is used in treating a range of mental health issues, such as substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders.CBT helps patients recognize triggers, develop coping strategies, and change negative thought patterns.

  • Individual Sessions: These are one-on-one therapy sessions that focus on personal issues contributing to addiction.

  • Group Therapy: Shared experiences in group settings provide mutual understanding and support.

Support Groups to Prevent Relapse

Participation in support groups is integral to sustaining recovery and preventing relapse.

  • 12-Step Programs: These programs offer a structured approach to recovery, emphasizing accountability.

  • Non-12-Step Groups: Alternative support options that may focus on different philosophies or methods.

Recovery Plan Involving Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes can also contribute to getting rid of Soma's medication addiction.

  • Healthy Routines: Some healthy lifestyle changes include incorporating regular exercise, a nutritional diet, and adequate sleep.

  • Stress Management: Some stress management techniques, like yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, are used to manage stress.

Soma Addiction - Conclusion

Soma is a schedule IV-controlled substance, which means it has a lower risk of abuse and addiction. Soma addiction can feel isolating and difficult to come back from, but the good news is that there are various treatment options available to overcome it. 

Following precautionary measures while taking a Soma pill is advisable to avoid dependency and get the maximum benefits of the muscle relaxant. 


Soma is a Schedule IV-controlled substance, meaning it has a lower risk of abuse and dependence.

Soma can be addictive if it is used for the long term.

Yes, some people who abuse this medication snort the soma powder.

Yes, Soma is an effective and powerful muscle relaxer compared to medicines of the same class.

Anyone younger than 16 should not take the soma medication.


  1. Carisoprodol, Wikipedia

  2. Risk Factors For Addiction, drugfree

  3. Soma Abuse Signs, Symptoms, Side Effects, and Addiction Treatment, drugabuse

Author's Note

We strive to provide reliable and accurate health information; thus, the content on our blogs is based on thorough research from reputable papers and journals. Our team relentlessly keeps updating the information on our blogs and articles to ensure it is always up to date with the latest medical research and developments. We advise all our readers to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional before taking any medication or healthcare product mentioned on our blog or website.


The online Pills Store website is meant to tell our customers about our products and services. The content on the website, including but not limited to our texts, images, and graphics, is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be substituted for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. We retail prescription medicines and thus advise all our customers to consult a doctor before getting any medicine or healthcare products mentioned or available on our website.