Pregabalin is a medication that treats anxiety, nerve pain and epilepsy. However, it can cause a range of side effects. There are certain concerns that are raised among some patients and reports were found for hair loss. Hair loss due to Pregabalin is one of the most frequently discussed side effects. In this blog, we will dive into the idea whether there’s a direct link between Pregablin and hair loss, reasons behind it and how to reverse the effects of the tablet.
What Is Pregabalin?
Pregabalin is a commonly used medication that is used for the treatment of conditions such as nerve pain, fibromyalgia, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and certain types of seizures. This generally works by affecting the way that nerves send signals to the brain and helps reduce pain. The tablet is sold under different brand drugs such as Nervigesic and Lyrica.
How Does Pregabalin Is Linked With Hair Loss?
Hair loss due to Pregabalin is not a common side effect. However, there have been certain reports that state people suffering from hair loss due to pregabalin. There are certain possible explanations that are cited below:
Hormonal Effects
There are certain medications that influence hormone levels. This in turn can impact hair growth. Pregabalin might affect hormones and overall body’s balance, which might contribute to hair thinning or loss.
Individual sensitivity
There are some people who might be sensitive or allergic. The components present in pregabalin might cause you allergies that might lead to hair loss.
What Does The Research Say?
There are many clinical studies and rules that state the negative effects of hair from the use of Gabapentin or Pregabalin. But, there are certain case reports that might state about hair loss due to Gabapentin.
A certain case report states that a 28-year-old-woman was prescribed a high dosage of Gabapentin for extreme neuropathic pain from a past trauma. After following a treatment for one week, the patient suffered with significant patchy hair loss.
Another case report that states about a patient who experienced a certain hair loss after the use of Pregabalin to a certain extent. The hair loss reversed when the person stopped the use of the medication.
However, it is important to note that the case reports are for informative purposes.
Other Side Effects Of Pregabalin
Pregabalin is a medication that might cause you a range of side effects.
Some of the common side effects include:
- Fatigue.
- Dizziness or drowsiness.
- Blurred vision.
- Dry mouth.
- Headache.
- Sudden mood changes.
- Difficulty in concentrating or certain memory problems.
- Swelling.
- Severe allergic reactions.
- Severe dizziness or fainting.
- Muscle pain, tenderness or weakness.
- Weight gain.
To explore more about weight gain due to the medication visit the blog Pregabalin and weight gain.
Always reach out to a medical professional when you experience any unusual symptoms or side effects.
How To Reverse Hair Loss from Pregabalin?
There are certain tips to reverse hair loss due to Pregabalin as stopping or switching the medication is always an option.
Diet and Supplements:
It is evident to note that vitamins and mineral supplements can help in improving the hair loss symptoms. It is because vitamins and minerals are important for cell growth function. The low levels of minerals and vitamins might contribute towards hair loss.
Some of the vitamins and minerals that can contribute towards hair loss are:
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Iron
People having a deficiency can take a supplement to boost up the levels that might help the hair to grow back. In addition people might also consume certain foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals and make it a part of their normal dietary plan.
Minoxidil topical solution:
Minoxidil is a treatment solution that helps hair loss. It is applied directly to the scalp and it works by improving the blood flow to the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. =
Pumpkin seed oil:
Pumpkin seed oil is to reduce the 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that contributes to hair loss.
In a 2019 mouse study it was found out that topical application of many fatty acids is present in pumpkin seed oil and it can promote hair growth.
As such, people can use it as a remedy or alternative option for hair growth.
Head massage:
There are some studies that suggest that with regular head massages you can grow your hair thicker. Massages are also known to reduce stress.
In a study by Taro Koyama et al. it was found out that scalp massages can pass gentle pressure to the skin on the head, which helps to improve hair thickness.
You can give yourself a scalp massage by using a massage tool or simply using your fingers.
Another study by Celalletin Turgut and Alparslan Ali, it was found that hair loss stopped completely after they stopped the use of Pregabalin within 15 days.
However, it is important to note that the individual reactions can vary. Therefore proper consultations with the doctor is required.
Potential Alternative Options For Treating Hair Loss
There are different alternative options to Pregabalin that depend on the condition you are using for. Some of the options are given below-
- Gabapentin-It is a medication that is often used for purposes such as nerve pain and seizures. This works similarly as pregabalin but might have a slightly different effect or side-effect profile for some people.
- Duloxetine (Cymbalta)- It is an antidepressant that treats nerve pain especially for conditions such as diabetic neuropathy or fibromyalgia. This works by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.
- Amitriptyline- It is a tricyclic antidepressant that is often prescribed for nerve pain or it also works as a mood stabilizer. This also helps with sleep problems associated with pain or anxiety.
- Carbamazepine- It is used for the treatment of pain trigeminal neuralgia as well as for controlling seizures.
- Topiramate- It is primarily an anticonvulsant that helps treat seizures and also for migraine prevention. It can also sometimes be used for nerve pain.
- Cyclobenzaprine- It is a muscle relaxant that is sometimes used as an off-label use for nerve pain.
There are many side effects that are associated with Pregabalin. Hair loss is not commonly a listed one. Some individuals have reported a certain amount of hair loss while taking the medication. Therefore, it is important to recognize the side effects that can significantly vary from person to person. Additionally, you should note that hair loss can also arise from different factors such as stress, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies or genetics.
Is Hair Loss From Pregabalin Permanent?
Can hair loss due to Gabapentin be reversed?
How long does Pregabalin take to cause hair loss?
- Does Gabapentin or Pregabalin cause hair loss, struthealth.com
- How to reverse hair loss from medication, medical news today.
- Does Gabapentin cause hair loss: What you need to know, hims.com